LX lnfoTech Sàrl is the exclusive service provider for AFM account holders, taking responsibility for R&D and maintenance tasks.
Office: TechnoArk 3, 3960 Sierre, Switzerland ( Map)
LX InfoTech Sàrl
 Portfolio setup & launch
- Account (trading) setup
- Username & password
- Familiarisation
- Portfolio configuration
- Launch procedure
 Intervention and troubleshooting
 Platform maintenance
- Splits, stock dividends
- Symbol change
- Index constituents (mergers, takeovers, delistings)
- Portfolio configuration
- Portfolio sync.
- Optimize parameters,
- Reconfigure sub-account setup,
- Automate procedural tasks,
- Other markets & areas.
Account holder prerogatives & constraints
- Maintains sole account ownership at all times.
- Must not intervene in AFM-managed accounts during market hours.
- Can however ....
- put AFM procedure on hold,
- sell securities and revert to cash using AFM login.